

Hygiene management

The health of consumers is the focus of all our services relating to food hygiene. They invite businesses to implement systems and procedures in a sustainable way and make conscious decisions. We support food producers and distributors with HACCP assessments and help them create individual HACCP plans for their businesses to avoid consumers falling ill or suffering food poisoning as a result of eating contaminated food.

What is HACCP?

H – Hazard: Food health hazard for consumers

A – Analysis: Hazard analysis along the process chain

C – Critical: Risk analysis of hazards (frequency, consequences)

C – Control: Control of critical hazards in the process

P – Point: Point(s) where a risk can be managed

Any company that comes into contact with food is required to implement a HACCP system in accordance with EU Directive 852/2004.

The HACCP concept is a great system for maintaining the quality of food products at the same high standard. The system also helps improve your manufacturing practices, making them more manageable and flexible.

We help hotels, restaurants, alpine cabins, canteens, butchers, kitchens in public establishments, etc., implement hygiene rules appropriately and identify and eliminate hazards (mould, bacteria, etc.) by determining suitable sustainable measures (e.g., cleaning and using equipment correctly, storing food properly, etc.)

Our services:

  • On-site consultation and analysis
  • Developing your HACCP concept
  • Employee training
  • Implementation support
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